So, the kids come home from school, do their homework, then they are out the door. We are lucky enough here to have some woods they can play in. I remember as a child playing in the woods, pretending that was our house, just as my kids are doing now. Boy, That makes me feel old! They are coming back filthy, which I always say is a sign of a good time. I got them walkie-talkies so they can contact me or vise versa. They are still learning how to use them so I over hear Julia saying "hey, you guys hungry? My mom can bring us a snack." Then Maggie uses it as a microphone, so I hear her version of "Apple bottom jeans". We have been busy with some fun Halloween activities around here. The weather is really nice and cool. I've started volunteering at school here and there. That has given something to do and get me out of this house. We have met a lot of our neighbors at some gatherings. They have all been super nice and welcoming. Speaking of gatherings, there is thi...
Showing posts from October, 2011
Dave gets his MBA

Girls in Leavenworth, Washington 12/2021

I think it was in the teens.

Maggie and Barley
Julia (in business attire) and Maggie

(Trying to get) Back in the Saddle Again
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Well, it hasn't quite been a month yet and we are getting settled in. I have not one curtain hung but as far as boxes go, I'm in good shape (thanks, Pam). I've managed to find all of the things that I blamed the movers for "losing" and I have a listing on Craigslist for free boxes! Please someone take them off my hands and save a tree while doing it. I'm kind of at a standstill with decorating. We have not painted anything or hung one picture. I think with that comes a real ownership (well, the mortgage is real) as if to say... This is home. Not sure if I'm ready. Every other time I've moved I have been in such a hurry to do those things. I'm not feeling it this time. I'm really homesick for all or any of my old homes, anything familiar and comfortable would be nice. My old friends, too, mostly. Miss Margaret was sick this week. She finally went back to school today. Our pediatrician (cvs doc in a box) said it was viral, but it hit her hard ...