We waited all week to tell the girls about Skipper. They had tests in school, so we thought it would be in their best interest to wait (also our best interest since we did not want to tell them). We decided that we would tell them Friday. When they got home from school they had friends over. Dave came home from work later, so it was time. I just didn't want to do it. How long could we go on saying that he was in the hospital getting fluids? Apparantely a long time because they did not even ask about him towards the end of the week. Come to find out, they thought it was a possibility that he had died so they did not ask because that would confirm the unthinkable. Of course, it goes without saying that it was quite difficult. The hard part is that we could not protect them from this. It happened and there was really nothing we could do about it. That is how death works. This might sound weird to some o...