
Showing posts from February, 2012

Dave gets his MBA

Dave gets his MBA

Girls in Leavenworth, Washington 12/2021

Girls in Leavenworth, Washington 12/2021
I think it was in the teens.

Maggie and Barley

Julia (in business attire) and Maggie

Julia (in business attire) and Maggie


We waited all week to tell the girls about Skipper.  They had tests in school, so we thought it would be in their best interest to wait (also our best interest since we did not want to tell them).  We decided that we would tell them Friday.  When they got home from school they had friends over.  Dave came home from work later, so it was time.  I just didn't want to do it.  How long could we go on saying that he was in the hospital getting fluids?  Apparantely a long time because they did not even ask about him towards the end of the week.  Come to find out, they thought it was a possibility that he had died so they did not ask because that would confirm the unthinkable.  Of course, it goes without saying that it was quite difficult.  The hard part is that we could not protect them from this.  It happened and there was really nothing we could do about it.  That is how death works.  This might sound weird to some o...

Goodbye Skipper

I'm so sad to report that Skipper has gone to doggie heaven. He was in such a state of pain and unawareness that it was time to let him go. Keeping him alive would have been for us and not him. We knew what the right decision was, but it still was very hard to do. I don't think he would have been happy going in circles for the rest of his life. His neurological symptoms were not improving, but getting worse. He was such a beautiful dog. I don't think he would have been happy not being able to chase birds! Lots of things are going through our minds right now. If this, if that. How do we tell the girls? What can we do to make this easier on them? What was he feeling? If dogs could talk! Despite our ordeal with Skipper we still managed to have a lovely time with our visitors. Dave's brother and family flew in for an extended weekend! We did a little sight seeing, a home DIY project, shopped, laughed a lot and even cried some! Oh, we also saw a few snowflakes. It is so ...

Dog Days

The last several days have been pretty rough.  Skipper, our family dog has been sick.  We are not sure what is going on with him.  It could be a couple of different things.  He has been under the care of our Vet since Monday at noon.  He is showing neurological symptoms.  He is only 3 years old.  I have never held back about my feelings for the dog.  I have not been his biggest fan.  David really wanted this particular dog for a very long time.  I was quiting work a few years ago and had the time to care for him, so I gave in and said "yes".  He works hard for our family so I figured it was only fair.  Of course, the girls fell in LOVE with him. He really was the cutest puppy ever.  I just knew that traveling would become very difficult and expensive. And it has.  Boarding him is not cheap.  He needed eye surgery a few weeks after we got!  The moves have been extremely hard on him as well.  And...

All Settled In

I'd say we are all settled in. Every box is unpacked and everything is finding a place. I'm not making any promises about how long it's going to say in that place! I'm known around here for putting things "away" and that just so happens to be the last time it was seen. I get in trouble especially if it's an itouch or something of that nature. Those things are so small. The house is coming along. Dave has painted almost every weekend since the move. He actually let me roll a portion of a room last weekend. Did I mention this was going to be hidden behind a piece of furniture? He can't fool me. Ha! The paint on the walls is helping the house feel more like a home. Still plenty more to do. We are trying to get all of the inside chores done before spring...we have plenty to do in the yard as well! Plenty! We have had many visitors already and are expecting more next week! We have seen DC from the rooftop of a bus. That was fun! We also visited Arlington...