Dave gets his MBA

Dave gets his MBA

Girls in Leavenworth, Washington 12/2021

Girls in Leavenworth, Washington 12/2021
I think it was in the teens.

Maggie and Barley

Julia (in business attire) and Maggie

Julia (in business attire) and Maggie
Well, a lot has happened since my last update.  We moved in last Sunday.  I am still in awe by how much stuff we have.  I was not there when they packed the house in Woodstock, so I had no idea how many boxes were on that truck.  I guess that is what 10 years of marriage and 2 kids will do to you!  We are still tripping over boxes.  I am hoping to get a lot done this weekend. 
Julia has been sick all week, only going to school on Monday.  We found a pediatrician that we like. We had 2 more snow days this week so she did not miss that much school.  It is snowing again now with more in the forecast for Wednesday.  Really?  I would love for the kids to go out and play in it so I can post some pics.  I don't know if Julia is ready for that.
Skipper has been challenged by the snow when going to the bathroom.  For a few days his legs immediately sank in the snow, putting his bottom right on the snow.  This, obviously causing a problem.  Then we got another few inches, so his legs sank through the fresh snow but stood on the old snow.  That was better for him. Then we got a thin sheet of ice, causing him to step and then crunch through the ice.  Awkward, for him and the person (me) walking him.  I am sure the neighbors are getting a good laugh. The latest is the inch or more of ice on top of the snow that we can walk on, in some places loudly cracking far off like a cartoon. It is very slippery and hard for him to get his grip, also for me.  I would love to know what that dog is thinking.
Another difference is that my house was the bus stop in Woodstock.  I lived on a corner.  Here, I have to walk the kids down to the bus stop in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. At the risk of sounding lazy, I'll say that it stinks. I much rather sip my coffee and watch them board through my window!  Especially at 12 degrees.  The girls do love school. They are making friends and doing great academically and socially.
We finally got cable, internet and phone this week. Thank you cable guy! Julia says she feels normal again, being able to watch tv.
The girls and I met Dave for dinner last night at a local restaurant/bar.  He knew a couple of guys from work there and we met some of their friends.  We had a good time. Well, I have lots to do so I'll close for now.


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